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Personal details

Date of birth
Enter address manually
How long have you lived at this address?
Address Please let us know how long you've lived at your current address. If you've lived there less than a year, we'll need you to enter your previous address details too.
How would you describe your employment status?
Employment status Please select the status that best reflects your position. If you believe you are a homemaker but you have a regular source of income, please select ‘other’.

If you share these payments, we only need to know about how much you contribute personally.

How would you describe your relationship status?
How many dependants do you have?
Dependants A dependant is a person who is financially dependant on you.
Do you expect your financial situation to change in the near future which would impact your ability to make your repayments?

Think about things like ill health, job loss or care for a dependant

For more information on how we use your data in connection with your Partnership Card, please read the John Lewis Partnership privacy notice & NewDay privacy policy

Please also read and consent to the eligibility check terms before submitting your details.

This won’t affect your credit score

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